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'Hate' is a strong word but that is how I feel about this huge dump of snow that we just received. And that's not even the end of it yet. The white stuff is expected to continue right through to Christmas Eve and Day which means we could be housebound for Sarah's very first Christmas. That royally sucks. Bah humbug indeed.
Anyway, seeing that we were blanketed in the white stuff, Sarah decided to have Christmas come early and helped herself to a present from under the tree. If I knew how much fun she would have ripping away the paper, I should have wrapped up some boxes in Christmas wrap and let her have at it instead of buying her a gift!
Sarah is getting better and better at standing now and is able to pull herself up on just about anything. While she isn't furniture-surfing yet, she is exploring all sorts of surfaces, including Daddy's prized TV. Luckily there are no fingerprints on the screen yet but I'm sure that will come in no time. Guess he will just have to add a new TV to his Christmas wish list for next year ;)

Now that Sarah requires more energy outta little ol' me now, sometimes the simple things must take a back-seat until it's nap-time. This morning, it took me three re-heats of my Ovaltine (which I never finished) and multiple treks up and down the stairs before I could finally sit down and add to my blog. does feel nice to sit back and relax a bit after 2 full hours of non-stop action. No wonder Daddy isn't keen to trade places with me ;) Last night was no exception to the energy requirements but at least Daddy was home to watch her closely while I watched the Linden tribute on the tube. Apparently, vertical blinds provide an easy source of entertainment.
To keep this little monkey from getting into trouble, Daddy dropped the crib down a level. I was initially nervous that the new height would cause some sleep issues, but Sarah was fine and it has not affected her sleep at all. Although I am getting a bit emotional because it almost looks like she is in a big-girl bed. Sigh.

And finally, it has taken me a really long time to get this but I finally managed to get a picture of Sarah's two baby teeth! She is currently going through another phase of teething, so by the time I get the next photo, she may have another few teeth to display :)
It feels like I am constantly on the run these days - literally. Sarah has treated us to another developmental leap and is now getting the hang of crawling up the stairs, which means I get to play the fun game of chasing her around the house. So far, she has only gotten up the one stair that has a large landing but it is still pretty impressive, given that we only showed her how to do this a few short days ago.
And just because she likes to surprise us, Sarah is also starting to stand up on her own! As you know, we have been supporting her on her feet while she plays. Now she has proven that she can perform this feat independently. In fact, when I went to get her after her afternoon nap today, I found her standing at the side of her crib! (Un)luckily she takes on her mommy and doesn't have height on her side so she wasn't leaning dangerously over the crib. While I am proud that she can do this so quickly, I also feel a bit cursed at the same time because she is getting too advanced far too quickly for her own good. Sure they say that girls develop more quickly than boys, but does it have to be this fast? :) Oh well, it's still all very exciting for us and it means that I will have a little helper sooner rather than later! Yay Sarah - keep on movin'! Daddy will have to play 'handyman' again...
Apparently some followers of Sarah's blog have been going through "video withdrawal" so I thought I would oblige and post some clips that I took this afternoon :) Actually, I am terrible with the camera and often forget to have it close by at all times, which means that I don't always capture all of the precious moments so thanks for the friendly reminder.
Anyway, Sarah is very particular about who she opens up to and almost always displays her quiet side when she is around others, even those she is familar with. In fact, people think that she is quite serious and reserved when they first meet her. When she is at home, however, I get the fortunate pleasure of watching her squeal and shriek to her heart's content - something that I absolutely adore. Here's a clip of her laughing at my silly faces (actually, it's just me raising my eyebrows at her) shortly after finishing her lunch. Beware the decibal level is quite high so turn down your speakers unless you want to broadcast it across the room :)
And folks, today is your lucky day for we are offering 2-for-1 video clips just for all you blog followers. Here is Sarah rummaging through the recycling basket again - this one's for you, Auntie P!
Alright folks, I did it. As of this afternoon, our Christmas tree is finally decorated! Yay! It isn't really all that attractive but I used the most Sarah-friendly and basic ornaments that I could rummage from the garage. I guess it works out for when I take it all down sometime in the new year :)

Did I mention that Sarah is starting to grow tired of crawling now? Not only does she feel that commando crawling is good enough for her, but she also wants to stand now. Guess the novelty of crawling is starting to wane. While this of course is very exciting for us, it means that our arms are getting a work-out just to hold her up so that she can play without toppling over. Anyway, I think she has gotten the hang of it and is happily exploring around the house. Who woulda thought that a recycling basket would be so interesting? ;)
It has been another uneventful few weeks in Sarah's world. While Sarah continues to crawl up a storm and I'm secretly dreading the moment she starts to walk, it hasn't been so news-worthy to warrant a blog post. The fam left little ol' me behind and went away to Hong Kong to attend a family wedding so Sarah did not get any play-dates in with her little cousin Matthew. I was going to surprise them and meet them there but by the time I had thought of that, prices were stupidly horrendous. Points were an option but that would mean that I would fly solo with Sarah and I would have preferred to fly with someone. Anyhow, everyone flew back into town on Sunday morning so we stayed for a longer visit that evening since we didn't see them for so long. Of course, Sarah scored big as usual - so big that I have only brought back half of her haul so far. One of her new favourite toys is a hand-held drum souvenir that Po-Po and Gong-Gong brought back from Beijing. It is a little noisy but I love watching her shake the drum and she loves it too.
On another note, only *16* more sleeps until Christmas. Sigh. I haven't even bought ANY presents yet and even more embarrassing is the fact that I have had the tree up since the beginning of the month but without any ornaments on it. Nada. Zilch. Zee-ro. I've got the lights up but that really doesn't count since it's a pre-lit tree. I will resolve to get it up by the weekend...keep you posted.
Finaly, speaking of the weekend, the holiday-related event invites are slowly starting to come in. I am excited because Sarah will get to meet Santa for the first time at my work's kiddie Christmas party on Saturday. Hopefully she won't be too scared of the big white beard or the jolly ol' man himself! :)