To keep the momentum going strong, we went to the super-mall today for some more shopping. Sarah napped well in her stroller (for 45 minutes anyway, which is great when we're out and about) and was content staying put so I managed to check off another 4 names off the list and didn't totally break the bank doing so either. As for my tree however, it remains bare but I am still determined to get it fully decorated come the weekend.
Speaking of Christmas, it has arrived early for Sarah. In fact, she is already playing with a gift she received from daddy's work. Mind you, it wasn't wrapped - at least it wasn't when it came home with daddy - so we just let her have at it. She is bound to get a few more on Christmas Day itself I'm sure.
By the way, Sarah is totally getting into everything now. I mean everything. Daddy found her under our dusty side table in the living room when he turned his back on her for a moment to put a few toys away. She even managed to get into her Rubbermaid bin - with a little nudge from mommy - and played for a few minutes there. Quite the little monkey indeed!