
Friday, April 24, 2009

Where The Wild Things Are

Why oh why did*'t Sarah choose to pry apart a*other key i*stead? This 'modified' keyboard is drivi*g me completely *uts a*d it's taki*g me so much lo*ger to get my blog thoughts o* the scree*! Sheesh! Oh well, e*ough ra*ti*g...

It just felt like a few short days ago when I last blogged and now it's already Friday. And it's not just any Friday either, for it's the last weekend before I revert back to the status of office worker bee. I am hopeful that I won't miss Sarah terribly, think about her too much or call home for updates every half-hour :)

Anyway, we enjoyed a good walk this afternoon around the ol' neighbourhood as we always do. This time, I remembered to bring Sarah's trusty shades with me. I could tell that she wasn't too comfortable with them but she complied for a short while. Asians wearing bridgeless shades = what was I thinking? :)

I am continually amazed by how a regular jaunt on the same route can bring new surprises each time. Today, for one, was no exception. Sarah and I stopped to get a Slurpee before heading over to the tot's playground, where we were met by none other than a lone coyote.

With another mommy at the park and no sign of a pack of coyotes, I wasn't too freaked out although I did feel a wee bit like Little Red Riding Hood. Wait a sec - that was a wolf wasn't it? Either way, I did feel wary about being in close proximity to a wild animal so our time on the swings was cut short. Not to mention that it didn't help that some little girl named 'Gracie' kept telling mommy that she was scared and wanted to leave N-O-W!! ;)

Back at home, Sarah continued to practice walking and this time I finally got a good video clip to prove it to my 3 (publicized) faithful followers.

Sure it isn't the most steady of steps but it's still amazing isn't it? I'm so thrilled that Sarah is starting to become even more independent but at the same time sad that she is really no longer a baby. Why does time have to pass by so fast!!

Monday, April 20, 2009

You Are My Destiny, I Can't Let Go, Baby, Can't You See

After 51 weeks of true maternal bliss taking care of a little one, I can't believe that the final week before my return to the office is now upon me. It wouldn't be so depressing were it not for the fact that I am having so much more fun with Sarah now that she is approaching *gasp*...toddlerhood! Of course, the fun does not come without its additional exercise however. Now that Sarah has perfected the art of crawling up the stairs, I have found myself going up and down our three levels a gazillion times throughout the day. Not only is she becoming more adventurous with this new-found skill, she is also moving fast and taking lots of baby steps, which explains the lack of publish-worthy pictures of late. Here's an example of the calibre of our recent photo shots - we so need to get a new camera!

In addition to the cruising/crawling/walking, Sarah has become quite vocal over the past several days. About a week ago, Sarah had started to point at things and get us to carry her to look at and/or touch whatever she finds interesting. That was fine until she figured out that pointing = communication. Now she "talks" to us by pointing at an object and one of us immediately afterward, e.g. "Dad, please get me the toy/thing on the table/bookshelf/etc." The most hilarious (and humbling!) part is that when she does this, it resembles a queen summoning her subject to fetch something for her. Funny but true! Anyway, we 'vermin' succumbed to her cute antics and let her baby-handle our beloved Blackberries. Yes, we are suckers for that innocent face of hers ;) That's how the "N" key on our laptop managed to get pulverized...those darn prying fingers!

Anyway, Day 1 of my 7-day back-to-work countdown was a great one. Even if it were less than stellar, I am most definitely living up to Homee's Twitter advice to cherish these last few days! :)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Up And Away We Go

Well, she finally did it. Sarah had first started crawling up the stairs back in December but lost interest soon afterwards so I'd thought it was the end of that. This week, however, she wanted to get back to doing it again and lo and behold, there she was crawling up the stairs without any encouragement! Since she hadn't been working on this movement regularly, we were needless to say very shocked that she was able to get up each step so quickly and she wasn't even scared to be up so high (unlike her initial attempts)! Guess she wanted to perfect her new skill before showing off! LOL :)

Now that she is comfortable going up the stairs, Sarah has found herself some new play areas in spaces that used to be off-limits. Our mealtimes have become even more interrupted now, with us taking turns following Sarah up the stairs - time to put up another gate asap! :)

As for walking, Sarah continues to toddle about with some support and has progressed to taking up to seven steps on her own before gravity takes over. She is getting stronger and more confident with each day so I am hopeful that she will be walking well by the time she hits the big "1" mark in a couple of weeks!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Keep On Truckin' Along

Ever had a day where things just didn't go right and nothing you did to help could make it better? Sarah certainly had one of those days.

While Sarah woke up earlier than usual and didn't take her bottle well, the day itself started out just like any other day. The drama really started to pick up
after lunch. We had stepped out to the mall to do a little shopping where Sarah started to fuss and didn't want to be in her stroller, resulting in a quick end to our outing. Luckily, we were close to home so we were able to put her down for her afternoon nap. An hour later however, things still hadn't improved. Sarah woke up crying and did not stop fussing right up until bedtime. While she clearly wasn't having a good day, it certainly did not help matters that Mommy and Daddy both found it rather amusing and had to snap a few photos to remember this rare occasion :)

What could it be, you ask? Well, we don't know for sure although it could be the lack of good afternoon naps the past several days or even possibly some anxiety issues from the imminent goal of walking. Anyway, we hope the rest of the long weekend goes smoothly for us - fingers crossed!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Just Visiting

What luck! We were spoiled to yet another gorgeous day of sunshine in this grand city of ours. Sarah and I had not planned to do anything today but with the fabulous weather, we had to get outdoors again so off we went across town to visit my co-workers at the office.

Bringing a baby to work is very much like attracting bears with honey. You can get nary half your body past reception before getting swarmed by umpteen 'oohs' and 'oh my goshs' from the ladies (and some of the guys too!). It is like they can smell the scent of baby from a-far! Anyhow, a full two hours later, we saw most of the people we had hoped to see and Sarah did extremely well, even allowing herself get passed around to endless people.

Given that it was now well into Sarah's nap-time, the next question was: do we pay a visit to Daddy's office? I hadn't planned on staying at my office for so long but his office is along the way home so I made the decision to stop by there too. Poor girl - she had just fallen asleep in the car when we arrived but she was a dream child again and was very pleasant even though she only had a 5-minute catnap (if you can even call it one) :)

Anyway, Sarah and I are exhausted from all this visiting and I'm glad that I got to see everyone before returning to work in a couple of weeks! :(

Monday, April 6, 2009

Trekking To Buntzen lake

Snacks for mommies. Check.
Snacks for Sarah. Check.

Diapers, wipes and other toiletries. Check.

Clothes for if it's warm. Check.

Clothes for if it's cold. Check.
Jackets for if it's warm & cold. Check.
Baby sunscreen. Check.
Baby sunglasses. Check.
Baby sunhat. Check.
Bedsheet. Check.
Wallet and keys. Check.
Camera. Check.
Baby Bjorn in case we go for a hike. Check.
Water. Oops.

Whew. One large heavy backpack later, I was finally all packed to go for an afternoon outing. You would have thought with all the stuff I had packed that I was going to some far-off locale but it was only Buntzen Lake. With all the stuff I have to lug with us every time we go out,
I should really invest in some good rolling luggage :)

Anyway, I enjoyed good conversation with my new mommy friends and Sarah equally enjoyed playing with Lainey, Hailey and Evan. Speaking of playing, you wouldn't believe the attention these kiddies paid on Mum-Mums. Not the crackers themselves mind you - they passed around the crinkly wrappers for a good several minutes!

As soon as Sarah was no longer interested in playing, we went down to the water's edge so that I could dip her toes in. While she seemed fascinated by the feeling of sand at her feet, she did not care for the cold water. That's okay though, I'm sure that we'll be back again in the summertime when the water temperature is comfortable :)

PS. Jes: Thanks for saving Sarah and me from being housebound today. We had fun!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Swim Like A Fish

It's the weekend! As promised, we took Sarah to the neighbourhood pool this afternoon for a dip. Being a water-lover myself, I was very thrilled that Sarah turns out to have an equal affection for water! She already loves baths but I just wasn't 100% sure that she would enjoy the pool so it was a very nice surprise for us. She loved watching the older kiddies play in the wave pool and didn't even complain with all the water splashing on her face. In fact, she encouraged it and even did it herself :)

Unfortunately, we had such a great time that we couldn't get ourselves out of the water enough to take a few photos. What happens at the pool stays at the pool they say! haha

Weekend Day #2 was not as exciting as our swim day but we did get out for dim-sum and then to the play centre to hash out the details of Sarah's birthday party. Again, the centre was quiet thanks to the good weather so we were able to snag a ride on the Thomas train :)

And as if our weekend wasn't packed enough already, we went out for a family dinner that included lobster done right (Chinese-style of course!). Aaahhh...a perfect end to a perfect weekend. Have a good week everyone!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Splish Splash, I Was Taking A Bath

Sarah is 11 months old today!! I will say it again - the time flew by so fast and I can not believe that the curtains are closing on my time away from work. Anyway, the morning started out pretty good even though Sarah woke up 45 minutes earlier than usual. I am not sure why that happened but in any case, she wasn't grumpy and was happy to get her day started. Guess there's lot to do for an 11-month-old that can't wait! ;P

Sarah is starting to become more comfortable standing and we have seen her toddle about for a few steps at a time. She will even stoop down from standing to pick up a toy - amazing! As you can imagine, things are going to get more interesting once she starts walking about. I hope we can all keep up with her :)

As much as Sarah wants to stand and try walking, she still enjoys crawling and cruising though it gets her into trouble every so often. Here she is peeking out from under the desk...

...right before she bumped her head as always :)

With all this moving and bumping, it is no wonder that Sarah
loves bath-time every night. Nothing like lavender-scented bath bubbles to soothe kiddie growing pains :)

Anyhow, we are going to take Sarah to the pool on the weekend to celebrate her 11-month birthday so stay tuned for pictures!