
Sunday, April 5, 2009

Swim Like A Fish

It's the weekend! As promised, we took Sarah to the neighbourhood pool this afternoon for a dip. Being a water-lover myself, I was very thrilled that Sarah turns out to have an equal affection for water! She already loves baths but I just wasn't 100% sure that she would enjoy the pool so it was a very nice surprise for us. She loved watching the older kiddies play in the wave pool and didn't even complain with all the water splashing on her face. In fact, she encouraged it and even did it herself :)

Unfortunately, we had such a great time that we couldn't get ourselves out of the water enough to take a few photos. What happens at the pool stays at the pool they say! haha

Weekend Day #2 was not as exciting as our swim day but we did get out for dim-sum and then to the play centre to hash out the details of Sarah's birthday party. Again, the centre was quiet thanks to the good weather so we were able to snag a ride on the Thomas train :)

And as if our weekend wasn't packed enough already, we went out for a family dinner that included lobster done right (Chinese-style of course!). Aaahhh...a perfect end to a perfect weekend. Have a good week everyone!

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