
Friday, April 10, 2009

Keep On Truckin' Along

Ever had a day where things just didn't go right and nothing you did to help could make it better? Sarah certainly had one of those days.

While Sarah woke up earlier than usual and didn't take her bottle well, the day itself started out just like any other day. The drama really started to pick up
after lunch. We had stepped out to the mall to do a little shopping where Sarah started to fuss and didn't want to be in her stroller, resulting in a quick end to our outing. Luckily, we were close to home so we were able to put her down for her afternoon nap. An hour later however, things still hadn't improved. Sarah woke up crying and did not stop fussing right up until bedtime. While she clearly wasn't having a good day, it certainly did not help matters that Mommy and Daddy both found it rather amusing and had to snap a few photos to remember this rare occasion :)

What could it be, you ask? Well, we don't know for sure although it could be the lack of good afternoon naps the past several days or even possibly some anxiety issues from the imminent goal of walking. Anyway, we hope the rest of the long weekend goes smoothly for us - fingers crossed!

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