Bringing a baby to work is very much like attracting bears with honey. You can get nary half your body past reception before getting swarmed by umpteen 'oohs' and 'oh my goshs' from the ladies (and some of the guys too!). It is like they can smell the scent of baby from a-far! Anyhow, a full two hours later, we saw most of the people we had hoped to see and Sarah did extremely well, even allowing herself get passed around to endless people.
Given that it was now well into Sarah's nap-time, the next question was: do we pay a visit to Daddy's office? I hadn't planned on staying at my office for so long but his office is along the way home so I made the decision to stop by there too. Poor girl - she had just fallen asleep in the car when we arrived but she was a dream child again and was very pleasant even though she only had a 5-minute catnap (if you can even call it one) :)
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