
Friday, March 27, 2009

Rain Rain Go Away, Come Again Another Day

Fridays are sacred for me as I try to stay out of the kitchen and start my weekend a bit earlier. However since it was rainy today, I broke that rule and made some more food for Sarah and even went as far as doing a load of laundry, vacuuming the house and re-arranging the living room to make room for Sarah's stash of toys. Sarah tagged along and was a good little helper the whole time but she did get into some trouble, particularly while playing in my closet where she found my purse collection. She's definitely a girl with her bag fetish! Mommy might pass them down to you if you're good, but hands off the Gucci!

Sarah also continues to be afraid of the vacuum cleaner but I think she seems more scared when it's turned off than when it's turned on. Strange but true! I don't know what it is but somehow it must appear more ominous when it's towering over her? Here she is crouched low on the floor with her usual look of concern while I was vacuuming.

Here's hoping that the weekend will be brighter since I don't have much more housework to do! Hmmm...the bathrooms could use a little scrubbing though (hint hint to Daddy) :) Until tomorrow, Mommy owww-ttt!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

More Sweets And Treats

The birthday celebrations continue with yet more eating, this time with my family. I must admit that eating out with someone hankering for your attention takes some time to get used to, but it is still enjoyable to take Sarah out for meals nonetheless. It is a luxury nowadays to have a bite to eat with Daddy at the table together, as we usually take turns eating while feeding Sarah her dinner. Thank goodness the people around the table gladly offered to take her to play with cousin Matthew and explore the fish tanks while Daddy and I enjoyed a few minutes of eating together in reasonable peace :)

Thanks everyone for the great presents, dinner and of course the volunteer babysitting!

When we got home, I snapped a few more photos since it is a rare occasion to see Sarah in a dress (I am a bit paranoid about her getting sick). This is her 'private schoolgirl' look complete with a pair of Hello Kitty tights from H&M. Isn't she just so squishably adorable? :)

Hopefully the weather improves really soon because I want Sarah to model a few more dresses that I have saved in her closet! ;)

Homee and M: Better start saving up your pennies. Not only will you need diapers but you are also positively going to go broke from buying all these clothes for your little girl as we are! LOL!! :)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Sweets And Treats

Some girlfriends stopped by today with their wee ones to celebrate yours truly's birthday with cupcakes from Cupcakes and the best tiramisu from Valley Bakery. As usual, Sarah had a good time and was a good hostess to boot, entertaining the two younger men with her plethora of toys.

Thanks for the desserts ladies, I am still on a sugar-high from filling up on those decadent sweets! :)

Life with a baby is not without its surprises, as I learned quickly today. As you know, I have been repeating simple words to Sarah every day and it has come to my attention that she actually absorbs more than just the words that I teach her. Take, for example, the dino rocker that she got for Christmas from Po-Po. We instinctively say 'rock, rock, rock' while she's riding this rocker. Well, today she saw the dino while we were having lunch so I just happened to say 'rock, rock, rock' and guess what she does? She mimicked the rocking motion in her high-chair! It was sooo incredibly funny!

So now on top of knowing 'rock, rock, rock', Sarah also knows: foot; fingers; ear; button; butterfly; flower; tree; truck; "leen leen" (necklace); "bei bei" (give me that); Hello Kitty; Brobee; Quatchi; how to dance and clap; "drink water"; and how to kneel down from standing when instructed. Yes, I borrowed my experience from training the family dogs but hey, it really works!

Anyway, this just proves to me that these little people are more aware of their surroundings than we may think. Way to go Sarah! :)

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Baby Beluga In The Deep Blue Sea

Another gorgeous day so off we went on an afternoon outing to Stanley Park. Seeing that it was the last day of Spring Break, I wasn't sure if that was a good idea but it turned out to be less busy than I thought, which was great. As soon as we arrived, we hopped on the Miniature Train. The breeze and shade made it a cold ride but Sarah absolutely loved every minute of it. Again, I forgot to pack our trusted camera in Sarah's diaper bag but luckily our Blackberrys saved the day :)

After our cheapy train-ride, we headed over to the Aquarium. The admission rate is crazy expensive at $20 per adult but it was still very busy and packed with big and little people. We wanted to stay for the dolphin show but by the time we got outside, there was already a huge crowd and I didn't want to stick around and fight for spots, as we witnessed two families doing. Not cool.

Anyway, missing the show worked out for us because we scored front-row bench seats to watch the beluga whales before the dolphin show crowd let out. Sarah enjoyed this quiet time and even met a few other little friends while having her afternoon snack of bananas and Mum-Mums. Of course, as soon as we got into the car, Sarah fell asleep and was out cold until we pulled into our garage. It was a great afternoon and I can't wait to go back to the park when the weather gets warmer :)

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Early Spring Day Outings

Believe it or not, the sun was actually out today on Day 2 of Spring! We gladly took advantage of this and took Sarah for a walk in the trails and played with the other babies at the playground. She especially enjoyed the swing even though she doesn't seem to sit up on it properly. Here is a picture of her having a blast, taken from Daddy's Blackberry. Much to our pleasant surprise, that thing takes very good photos!

To cap off the day, we went out for sushi night with Daddy's family (thanks Papa Toh for an excellent meal!). Sarah's aunties and uncles had just returned from a whirlwind vacation to Australia and New Zealand so we also received a few souvenirs to take home. Daddy got a wombat and kiwi, while I got a super-soft lamb. As for Sarah, she now has her very own Dorothy the Dinosaur plushie and even a pair of Uggs to wear next winter. Yes, she is spoiled :)

Thank you Aunties Pat & Wendy and Uncles Roger & Kevin for the sweet souvenirs!

With all this indulgent spending on Sarah, we really hope that she doesn't get too used to it especially when she gets older. In any case, I think Daddy is in for some trouble as Sarah has found a new interest in none other than his wallet! Get your little hands away Sarah, that is Mommy's job! ;)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Teething Pains

Yawwwwn. Last night was a rough night for me as Sarah is teething again, this time working on tooth #5 and 6. As much as I grumble about it, it really wasn't too painful for me as I sometimes miss the late-night visits and Daddy didn't hear a thing as usual. Anyway, Sarah didn't take her bedtime bottle at the usual time so she woke up hungry at 1:30am. Then she woke up crying a short time after at around 3:00am. On bad teething days, we usually give Sarah some natural homeopathic tablets but I guess she was still in pain so in came the Baby Tylenol. She fell asleep quickly after that :)

Anyhow, Sarah isn't too crazy about the strange sensations going on inside her mouth - I don't blame her! - and we all can't wait until the rest of her teeth come through. In the meantime however, Sarah will just have to grin and bear it though she clearly isn't amused! ;)

Monday, March 16, 2009

M'mm M'mm Good

Old Lady Winter refuses to retreat and we are still getting hit with bouts of snow so we haven't been out and about too much of late. Despite the wintry weather, I am hopeful that the warm weather doesn't come with a vengeance because I am still working on getting Sarah's wardrobe stocked up for sun and surf. I can't wait for better weather though, since I have already picked up a few cute pieces, including some girly dresses, so that there is absolutely no way that Sarah can be mistaken for a little boy! ;)

Since we haven't done this in a while, we decided to measure and weigh Sarah ourselves tonight. According to the growth chart, she is currently in the 50th percentile for weight (21 lbs) but less than that for height (26 inches). Chubby and short isn't exactly the ideal combination, so hopefully she doesn't stay that way for too long! haha

And speaking of chubby, Sarah continues to eat like a champ and has truly become a foodie much like her parents. She hasn't grown tired of trying out new foods and will want to taste whatever is on our plates. Here is Sarah enjoying some mixed fruit for dessert after dinner tonight :)

Saturday, March 7, 2009

March Madness

It's already March, but that doesn't mean that winter weather has passed. In fact, it was quite the contrary for us today. The snow queen reared her ugly head on us, sending us some of the white stuff. Luckily however, the snow that fell quickly melted so we took Sarah to the community centre for some jungle-gym time. While Sarah enjoyed crawling through tunnels and going for rides down the slide, I think what she liked most was watching the other older kids play :)

In other related news, Sarah is now getting stronger and more confident at standing on her own. She can stand without support for several seconds every so often - not a huge developmental leap, but it is an accomplishment in any case. She is also starting to use her walker-toy more, although she still prefers to be 'driven' around in her tiny car. I guess she is living up to the meaning of her name ;)

Finally, Sarah is also talking a lot more. Whenever Sarah hears the garage door open on a weeknight, I will ask her who that is and she responds with "ba-ba", presumably meaning 'Daddy'. That might be her first word but I have a strong feeling that it might well be "yummy" because she is a hearty eater and always says "mmmm!" every time she eats something that she likes! :)