
Saturday, March 7, 2009

March Madness

It's already March, but that doesn't mean that winter weather has passed. In fact, it was quite the contrary for us today. The snow queen reared her ugly head on us, sending us some of the white stuff. Luckily however, the snow that fell quickly melted so we took Sarah to the community centre for some jungle-gym time. While Sarah enjoyed crawling through tunnels and going for rides down the slide, I think what she liked most was watching the other older kids play :)

In other related news, Sarah is now getting stronger and more confident at standing on her own. She can stand without support for several seconds every so often - not a huge developmental leap, but it is an accomplishment in any case. She is also starting to use her walker-toy more, although she still prefers to be 'driven' around in her tiny car. I guess she is living up to the meaning of her name ;)

Finally, Sarah is also talking a lot more. Whenever Sarah hears the garage door open on a weeknight, I will ask her who that is and she responds with "ba-ba", presumably meaning 'Daddy'. That might be her first word but I have a strong feeling that it might well be "yummy" because she is a hearty eater and always says "mmmm!" every time she eats something that she likes! :)

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