
Saturday, March 21, 2009

Early Spring Day Outings

Believe it or not, the sun was actually out today on Day 2 of Spring! We gladly took advantage of this and took Sarah for a walk in the trails and played with the other babies at the playground. She especially enjoyed the swing even though she doesn't seem to sit up on it properly. Here is a picture of her having a blast, taken from Daddy's Blackberry. Much to our pleasant surprise, that thing takes very good photos!

To cap off the day, we went out for sushi night with Daddy's family (thanks Papa Toh for an excellent meal!). Sarah's aunties and uncles had just returned from a whirlwind vacation to Australia and New Zealand so we also received a few souvenirs to take home. Daddy got a wombat and kiwi, while I got a super-soft lamb. As for Sarah, she now has her very own Dorothy the Dinosaur plushie and even a pair of Uggs to wear next winter. Yes, she is spoiled :)

Thank you Aunties Pat & Wendy and Uncles Roger & Kevin for the sweet souvenirs!

With all this indulgent spending on Sarah, we really hope that she doesn't get too used to it especially when she gets older. In any case, I think Daddy is in for some trouble as Sarah has found a new interest in none other than his wallet! Get your little hands away Sarah, that is Mommy's job! ;)

1 comment:

Heyhomee said...

Now, is she training you, or are you training her?? :P Oh I dread the days that I have to hide all my gadgets and phones!!