
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Sweets And Treats

Some girlfriends stopped by today with their wee ones to celebrate yours truly's birthday with cupcakes from Cupcakes and the best tiramisu from Valley Bakery. As usual, Sarah had a good time and was a good hostess to boot, entertaining the two younger men with her plethora of toys.

Thanks for the desserts ladies, I am still on a sugar-high from filling up on those decadent sweets! :)

Life with a baby is not without its surprises, as I learned quickly today. As you know, I have been repeating simple words to Sarah every day and it has come to my attention that she actually absorbs more than just the words that I teach her. Take, for example, the dino rocker that she got for Christmas from Po-Po. We instinctively say 'rock, rock, rock' while she's riding this rocker. Well, today she saw the dino while we were having lunch so I just happened to say 'rock, rock, rock' and guess what she does? She mimicked the rocking motion in her high-chair! It was sooo incredibly funny!

So now on top of knowing 'rock, rock, rock', Sarah also knows: foot; fingers; ear; button; butterfly; flower; tree; truck; "leen leen" (necklace); "bei bei" (give me that); Hello Kitty; Brobee; Quatchi; how to dance and clap; "drink water"; and how to kneel down from standing when instructed. Yes, I borrowed my experience from training the family dogs but hey, it really works!

Anyway, this just proves to me that these little people are more aware of their surroundings than we may think. Way to go Sarah! :)

1 comment:

Heyhomee said...

See? What'd I tell you about those lil boys coming around?!?!?! Ya better watch out...! :P
I tried to told you!