
Thursday, October 9, 2008

Counting down to nap-time...

We have officially reached close to two hours of wake-time. Yikes. What am I going to do with Sarah for an additional half hour? With her eating habits, it is hardly enough time for me to take Sarah out far and she also seems happiest within the safe environment of home sweet home. Sigh. It must be the fact that she would rather freely play on the floor than be confined to a stroller - I suppose I would feel the same too. Anyway, I managed to fill the time this morning by teaching her how to sit up and continue practicing crawling. With her eating going the way it is, at least some of her time awake will be spent fighting with her to take the bottle :)

As for eating, we tried some rice cereal yesterday! Sarah eagerly took about 5 itty-bitty spoonfuls of the food but I think she was more excited at the novelty of sitting in a high-chair. Here are some shots of our big girl sitting up - she clearly enjoyed sitting in a high-chair and getting a better view of her world...

Lastly, Sarah finally slept through the night again last night. YAY! Hopefully the previous several nights were just blips and that we have an all-night sleeper again. Here's hoping that I didn't just jinx myself :)

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