
Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Kung "Food" Fighting

Changes are coming at us fast and furious now. Not only has Sarah changed her feeding schedule and is preparing to crawl, she has also started waking up again in the middle of the night. Sigh - we were doing so well right up until now too. I guess that is a sign to start solids! As much as I am excited - and sad - to see my little girl grow up so incredibly fast, I dread the additional time that it is going to take for her feedings. Like mommy, Sarah is a s-l-o-w eater and she is extremely picky about when she eats. Oh well, we will have to sacrifice play-time for our little rascal then!

And as if things could not get more complicated, we are getting ready for the dreaded fall time change. I am so not looking forward to midnight November 1st. But I have a plan, courtesy of Babywise Mom (thank God for blogs)! I am moving Sarah's schedule back 15 minutes each week leading up to the change so that we don't have an early riser by the time the change takes place. Hope it works out...wish us luck :)

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