
Sunday, October 26, 2008

A Day in the Life

Aside from taking Sarah out for lunch at the mall (my current favorite kid-friendly eating spot), we spent a relatively quiet day indoors today. To pass the time while Sarah was awake and not eating, we continued to help her practice crawling, gently pulling her along the carpeted floor. It isn't nearly as brutal as it may sound and Sarah really enjoys these 'rides'. Speaking of rides, J took Sarah on a magic flying carpet ride. Okay, it is actually a laundry basket but it could double as one, can't it? I can't believe that I had never thought to use this ordinary household item as a play-thing but I think I will use it to help her practice sitting up :)

Also, as we do on a daily basis, the day included some story-time. Sarah has already built up quite the library for herself and her current favourites are by Sandra Boynton. We love them too - the characters are so cute and the stories are amusing to read. I would like to pick up some classics, like Dr. Seuss, however I am finding those hard to find. But that's okay. We have some new titles on order from Chapters - including a Mother Goose book - so we may find some new favourites soon :)

Finally, to end the day on a high note, we helped Sarah expend whatever crawling and rolling energy that was left so that she could sleep more soundly. Doing some of this helps too... ;)

1 comment:

Heyhomee said...

Somehow, I think lunch at the mall helps Sarah get out, but ALSO helps Mommy's little Shopping habit also?? ;) Hahaha! Don't worry, shopping isn't a disease, it keeps the economy going around!