
Monday, October 20, 2008

Charades anyone?

I have never been very good at charades. Life with a baby, however, is like a never-ending game of it made tougher because the correct answer is never obviously revealed to the players. And so Sarah continues to keep us on our toes guessing with her current eating habits. She only took the minimum amount of formula yesterday but slept through the night so now I'm really uncertain what might be the cause of her eating strike.

But thank goodness for computers and the creators of Google :) I found another strategy. Yay! Learning that the excitement of the world might be a potential source of distraction, I fed Sarah in her room as soon as I got her out of bed this morning as suggested (I usually change her before bringing her downstairs). To my amazement it worked! Well, better anyway. She took half the bottle in one sitting, which is GREAT given our recent battles.
Anyway, if you're interested, I found the post by Ask Moxie to be extremely helpful and most importantly reassuring that other kiddies are causing similar grief for their parents :) The lesson? Don't sweat the eating thing because baby will always let you know when she's hungry!

Now on to the next feed. Who is going to win this round? Stay tuned...

8:45PM - The final score for today: Baby 2 - Mommy 2. At least we're even. I still think teething is the culprit. Hopefully Sarah still sleeps through the night. Guess we will have to try again tomorrow - we will figure it out some day!

Anyway, here's Sarah doing something that is more enjoyable than eating. Food is clearly over-rated to some people ;)

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