
Thursday, February 12, 2009

Babytime At The Library

Surprise! My blog was looking a little tired so I decided to give it a fresh coat of HTML, courtesy of The Cutest Blog on the Block, and cleaned up the extra stuff that I had added to the original layout. The design part is really what I enjoy most about having a website, although the write-ups are a close second ;)

Anyway, now that Sarah is older - a 'pre-toddler' as they call it - and stays up longer during the day, we have more options available for things to do outside of the house. Admittedly, I had been reluctant to go out with her during nap-time following her sleep-training so you can imagine my delight to see that Sarah can stay up for close to 3 hours at a time. However, it is still difficult to find something that works around Sarah's nap schedule and isn't too far to get to. Luckily however, I found a weekly Babytime session at the library so that was where we headed after lunch today.

The verdict? Well...while Babytime isn't anything special, it is really good for Sarah to socialize with other babies her age since she spends the bulk of her time with us big people. Sarah thoroughly enjoyed herself and even made a couple of new friends while playing with the bead-chaser toy. I think this class is a keeper! :)

PS. On a health-related note, Sarah has finished her antibiotics and the coughing and sniffles are now gone. Yippee!


Heyhomee said...

Congrats on getting rid of the coughing and sniffles!! And make sure she doesn't go hitting on the guys at the library! :P

30-Something Mommy said...

Thanks - the antibiotics worked wonders :) Oh you can bet I'll make sure she doesn't go hitting on them!

BigToh said...

I think her Daddy may have something to say bout those lil boys as well! :)