
Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sleep 'Til You're hungry, Eat 'Til You're Sleepy

Mother Nature played a cruel trick on us today, giving us a taste of spring even though that is still some months away. Sarah and I did not mind this slight stroke of luck and took advantage of it by taking a short walk after lunch. As usual, Sarah enjoyed being outside and was clearly upset that I had stopped to take a few photos :)

Speaking of lunch, I am spending a lot of time in the kitchen these days, even more than before. Now that Sarah is almost fully established on solids and eating more, I have been making different meals for her. Aside from the congee staple, I have so far made beef stew, carrot & butternut squash soup, macaroni with chicken & carrots (thanks mom!), banana pancakes, and cheesy squash & potato mash for Sarah, among other things. She loves trying different foods - her favourite so far is tofu - and has not been fussy with eating or allergic to anything, which is great. Unfortunately however, our own meals have sometimes taken the back-seat but Daddy has been very understanding. Let's just say that those take-out menus have come in really handy for us ;)

Anyway, off I go back to the kitchen to do some more cooking. Ta-ta for now!

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