
Tuesday, February 3, 2009

It's A Small World After All

We are officially the parents of a 9-month-old baby/toddler girl as of today. WOW. I know they say time flies but this is honestly way faster than I had imagined or hoped. That means I only have about 3 more months to go before my time off comes to an abrupt end :( Ugh - I am dreading the thought as I write this.

Speaking of Sarah's age, it dawned on me the other day that she looks a fair bit younger than how I had 'pictured' a 9-month-old to look like. What do you think?

Aside from looking younger, Sarah is also quite tiny, attested by the fact that some of her clothes (depending on the brand) are still sized 3-6 months. Add to that, she is only just now starting to fit into her 6-12 month clothes better. Just for fun, I plugged in some numbers on a baby height calculator that I found on one on my regular website visits. Turns out Sarah is estimated to be a whopping 1-inch taller than Mommy. Oops, sorry Sarah!

Anyway, happy 9-month birthday, little girl - we hope your bronchialitis clears up soon so that we can celebrate with some cake! ;)

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