
Saturday, February 28, 2009

She Wore An Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny...

As you already know, one of Sarah's current favourite activities is being chauffeured around the house in her little ride-on car. Seeing that she sits up very well now and knows to hold on to the car's handlebars, we took her out this afternoon to try out some rides to prepare her for Playland this summer. Luckily we had brought our stash of quarters, loonies and toonies with us because it cost us an arm and a leg for a 1-minute ride. But it was so worth it because Sarah had a wonderful time ;)

In case you were giving us the benefit of the doubt, no we didn't return from our afternoon empty-handed. Honestly, it is very difficult to guess how big Sarah will be so we shop often to buy clothes that fit her current size. Plus it also gives me an excuse to re-live my mall-rat days :)

Anyway, my hunt for a bathing suit for Sarah ended today with a purchase from Children's Place. Yay! Daddy actually approved of (and picked out) this one and when we got home, I absolutely had to try it on her. Call me biased but she looked so unbelievably cute in it, especially when paired with the matching terry cover-up that we could not leave behind ;) Apologies for the blurriness but our camera has not been able to keep up with her constant moving... :)

To finish off the afternoon, Sarah passed out in the car within two minutes of us leaving the mall. She still prefers not to sleep in her stroller and stayed up pretty much all afternoon. Sweet dreams Sarah!

PS. Hugs and kisses to Homee and Capital M for the wonderful baby news. We can not wait to meet the new addition!

1 comment:

Heyhomee said...

Thanks for the shout out! If Big Toh needs a baseball bat to keep those lil boys away at the beach, Uncle Homee's got TWO of them to share! :)