
Saturday, February 21, 2009

Ain't Nothing Like The Real Thing, Baby

We were treated to one last gorgeous day of sunshine so off we went to the local Japanese restaurant for cheap and good sushi (there is such a thing, if you don't mind mediocre customer service). Anyway, Daddy took Sarah home afterwards while I went off galivanting with Christina for the afternoon. But enough about me...

Sarah has become more 'vocal' about her likes and dislikes, throwing a mini-fit here and there when she doesn't get her way. She is however such a well-mannered baby 90% of the time that her tantrums are not really worth complaining about nor even be considered as such. Anyway, Sarah has shown a definite interest in going for rides in her car around the living room and will even try to get on it herself. Daddy has been getting a good workout 'driving' the car while she sits proudly as though she were on a parade float :)

Another one of Sarah's big likes right now is watching The Wiggles and other music videos on YouTube at the computer. She enjoys it so much that she will sit still on our lap with her mouth wide open, while watching the four grown men sing and dance to her delight. I don't mind singing along and doing the actions with Sarah but oh how I would love to sleep without having one of these darn songs in my head the entire night!

And finally in toy-related news... Daddy is a tech-toy junkie so you can imagine his excitement when he learned that LeapFrog is introducing a Blackberry for babies! I have a good feeling that Sarah will have one in her hot little hands as soon as it gets released. So much for playing with the real thing!

1 comment:

Heyhomee said...

Loving the new layout! Hopefully baby saliva is easy to get out of the BB keyboard!! I guess you have a good investment in the Costco sized Mr Clean Easy Wipes! :P