
Saturday, November 15, 2008

Sarah's View Of Her World

Baby-proofing requires more effort than I had thought. I mean, I thought that all we really needed are some plug covers and quick-thinking action, right? I am so wrong. While Sarah has not fully mastered crawling yet, she has discovered a way to move ALL around our living/dining room to explore everything that she can get her little hands on.

For instance, she found a new interest in the cable box, daddy's beloved PS3 and everything else in that corner...

She also found a bag full of coin wrappers that were apparently quite tasty...

And she found the sound from her fingers scratching the shredder box to be equally entertaining!

Now that she has officially taken over the main floor, daddy will have to consider erecting an electric fence around his prized TV and mommy will just have to temporarily live with a non-designer-inspired home! ;)

1 comment:

Heyhomee said...

Hahaha! She could probably find things that you both forgot you even had in the first place! :) Coin wrappers? Could be a sign of things to come? Maybe she needs an allowance already? HAha! And don't let her get to the PS3, then you'll really see a grown Jon Cry!