
Friday, November 7, 2008

Order Up!

It has been another uneventful week, except for a visit to see Sarah's doctor for her 6-month shots. That little girl of ours is a real trooper. I was warned that by around this time, Sarah would learn that doctor equals ouchies and that we should be prepared for some tears. But she surprised us yet again. The doctor administered the first shot without any protest or crying from Sarah and the second shot only caused a slight whimper. No tears whatsoever! That is really good because it makes these visits less stressful for mommy and daddy.

In the food department, Sarah continues to eat solids very well. I am giving her lots of variety for her meals and have been giving her cereal mixed with fruit for breakfast, veggies for lunch, and veggie combos and fruit for dessert at dinner-time. Today, I made some congee with chicken that didn't go over too well - guess it was too bland for her. Anyway, I'll try again and make it a little differently next time. I totally feel like a Chinese kitchen short-order cook but it beats buying cans of jarred food for her ;)

Lastly, I may have bluffed earlier but I really believe now that Sarah is a few short weeks (if not days) away from perfecting her crawl. Not only has she got the position down now, but she has also learned to turn and reach for toys by lunging toward the items. By the way, one of her new favourite toys isn't a fancy light-up electronic toy but an empty tissue box...go figure!

PS. On an unrelated note, I was watching Ellen the other day and noticed that Stryker has been replaced! What's up with that?

1 comment:

Heyhomee said...

Stryker took a job somewhere else, not a talk show, but I'm thinking it's a full time DJ gig. Tony is back though and don't ask me how I know this. :) So sad for Californians and Prop 8 which got passed which means that Ellen and Portia's marriage is officially null and void now! :( Big sad face.